
Summa-Chadwick pitching an idea at Will This Float

Martha Summa-Chadwick

Executive Director

Executive Director

Organization founder and Executive Director Dr. Martha Summa-Chadwick has a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Kansas and is a Fellow of the Academy of Neurologic Music Therapy; she is uniquely qualified to direct this organization, having enjoyed successful careers as concert pianist, teacher, and Information Technologist. She is a great advocate of music therapy and partners with certified music therapists whenever possible even though she is not a certified music therapist herself.

Additional details and resume can be found on her personal website, www.marthasumma.com.

Our Services

We promote the use of music in medicine and education through many unique efforts .


Advocacy efforts to bring music into standard medical and educational practices in conference presentations


We bring together groups of medical personnel, music therapists, musicians, educators, caregivers, and IT professionals


MTGIC has created a unique performance series of solo and chamber performances to bring musicscience to the arts audience


Software has been designed that will help automate biomedical music protocols to an app for use with a mobile device


A unique open source database is being created that contains music designed specifically for therapeutic use


MTGIC personnel have authored several articles to help promote events, ideas, and the science of music and the brain