"The scope and potential of music therapy in stroke rehabilitation" commentary article.
"Concert Event: The Power of Music" describes the virtual concert available on YouTube.
read Article"Music Therapy: A Different Kind of beat" describes the overall general benefits of music for therapy.
read Article"Raising Awareness of the Benefits of Music in Therapy" discusses a chamber music advocacy concert.
read article"Music as an Alternative to Opioids" describes the huge potential for bringing music to pain management.
read article"Dance of the Neural Tango, educational events in TN" describes MTGIC's advocacy work through concerts.
read Article"New Notes on the Autism Scale" mentions Martha's advocacy residency with the Erie Chamber Orchestra.
read article"The Power of Therapeutic Music" describes Martha's weeklong residency with the Erie Chamber Orchestra.
read article"The Power of Music" discusses the science-based benefits of biomedical music protocols.
read article"A computerized system for Neurologic Music Therapy" describes high-level specifications of protocol automation.
read articleOur events have been made possible with the following partnerships with educational, corporate, and grant sponsoring organizations.