Music Database

Database being created to support therapeutic music

Music therapy can greatly benefit persons with motor, speech, and cognition challenges; this knowledge is well established by scientific research. To create more universally available resources, Music Therapy Gateway in Communications (MTGIC) has received a grant from the TN Arts Commission to hire recording engineers from Chattanooga's SoundCorps organization to create musical samples/songs/compositions utilizing strong rhythmic drive and varying tempi and timbre. In addition to the SoundCorps work, contributions from some of Tennessee's most well respected composers have also been received. These compositions will be utilized for therapeutic purposes to benefit persons with disabilities and their caregivers, educators, and medical staff. All samples/compositions will be placed in a database that will have free and open access to all.

Music for therapeutic use is most effective when favored by the client. This database will be open-source and available to any therapist, caregiver, or educator who has a need.
The following attributes are built into the design specifications in order to effectively reach as many clients as possible:
  • Genre: A variety including classical, pop, rock, jazz, country, hip-hop, rap, etc.
  • Tempi: Varied tempi from 60 beats per minute (BPM) up to 120 BPM will be created.
  • Meter: Most meters divisible by 2, but 3 counts will also be available.
  • Timbre: Varied timbres to support those with sensory processing issues.
  • Length: Shortest sample 5 to 10 seconds. Longer samples will range up to 10 minutes.

Project goals are as follows:

Goal 1.) Create an extensive variety of innovative musical samples and compositions written specifically as therapeutic music to assist with motor, speech, and cognition processes for persons with disabilities. These compositions will be created with a strong rhythmic drive (rhythm is the most influential element in therapeutic music) and a great deal of flexibility in genre, pitch, timbre, and tempo in order to reach as many individual preferences as possible. The compositions will be placed into a database structure that will be open access to anyone who can benefit from such resources.

Goal 2.) Create an Internet app to “wrap around” these compositions as an example of specific usage for a condition affecting many people, attention control. Immediate access will be available to anyone with an Internet connection who has a smart phone or tablet and may not be able to technically access a database directly. Direct access to the database without the app will also be universally available for those who are more technically savvy. It is expected that more apps will be developed in the future that utilize the same database. A reporting mechanism will be built into the app, so how much use is being received can be easily determined. Usage statistics (how many accesses, downloads, etc.) will be built into the musical database. Please go to MTGIC's Software Design page to learn more.

Specifications for the database can be found here.

Contents Overview

This overview report provides a list of database contents that includes song title, genre, beats per minute, composer, arranger, performer and meter. You can view these contents but will not be able to listen to the actual song samples from this overview.


Log in with your assigned mtgicorg userid to listen to or download specific samples. (Need an id? Please note our database usage terms and conditions and then use the contact page and make your request with the MTGIC administrator.)

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Our events have been made possible with the following partnerships with educational, corporate, and grant sponsoring organizations.